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As a registered customer, you will be credited with at least one bonus point per euro for every purchase you make online. From 1200 points, you can redeem the points you have collected for interesting rewards or vouchers.
Interested? Register today at Elektromotorenmarkt.de and buy electric motors and accessories quickly and inexpensively online.
Register nowYou will receive a voucher in the amount of 10.00 EUR. This can be redeemed with your next purchase.
RedeemYou will receive a voucher in the amount of EUR 25.00. This can be redeemed with your next purchase.
RedeemFor savers. You will receive a voucher worth EUR 50.00. This can be redeemed with your next purchase.
RedeemYou will receive a voucher in the amount of EUR 75.00. This can be redeemed with your next purchase.